Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Evolution of the Hallyu, or Korean Wave

My e-portfolio was about the rise of K-Pop (Korean Pop). Since it began in the early to mid 90s, it has not been popular outside of Korea. However, with the emergence new technologies, K-Pop has been able to reach to audiences at an alarming rate in different areas of the world. It has allowed K-Pop to grow and define many successes of Korean entertainment.

The e-portfolio continues on how the rise of K-Pop is helping student organizations on campus today, like the Korean Student Association. The rise of K-Pop, which is associated with Korean culture, has led many non-Koreans to join the KSA and learn more about Korean culture. This has helped KSA gain more members and utilize K-Pop as a main source for enticing new members.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The US strategy in Afghanistan focuses on preparing Afghanistan as a nation for US withdrawal.

The troops in Afghanistan are taking on more and more missions in winning over the hearts and minds of the local population. Many missions involve building infrastructure, training and providing food and shelter to Afghani civilians. There are several goals behind this strategy. One is to turn over a lot of the fighting responsibility to the Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) in preparation for a total US withdrawal by 2014.  Sociologist Lester Andrist speaks on some other concerns and goals of our troops and why this plan might work.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Qik - Mobile video by zackwholley

The Life of a Journalist Inside and Out and How Future Technology will Impact this Career

Journalism is changing and advancing in order to keep up with recent technology. Journalist are not only concerned about the printed product now, but the digital product as well if not more. Recent technologies encourage the use of open journalism to be pursued more, which allows for viewers to debate and comment on the text digitally. Journalism is a field that requires constant updates on current technologies to make the readings more easily assessable for its viewers; as well as a broad understanding on how to broadcast, read, write, research, and construct text. Contrary to what some may believe, journalists do not need to constantly relocate to get the best stories and information. Although some travel here and there may be necessary, different stories are everywhere and depending on where you are some may be more important than others. Journalism requires a passion for wanting to express information in an exciting and inviting way for the viewer. To be a great journalist reading and writing as much as possible is a must to develop personal writing styles.

The Power of Terrapin Pride: How School Spirit Impacts the UMD Campus

For my ePortfolio assignment I analyzed and researched the relationship between the school spirit for maryland sports team and the marketing strategies used. As a marketing intern I give an inside look on the process of a mens lacrosse game. I also have media containing general information on the marketing department. To get a different opinion on this relationship I interviewed Nick Faust (Basketball) and Brandon Ross (Football) on how they feel about the fan support and the marketing efforts. My overall goal was to get a better idea of what Maryland is doing to live up to the Terrapin pride everyone knows about.

University's Spanish Department Incorporates Technology to Help Enhance Student Learning

The University of Maryland's Blended Learning Initiative has led to the increased incorporation of technology in several classrooms.  The Spanish department decided to change one of their grammar and writing classes, SPAN301, to a blended course.   With this new blended course, student are able to focus more on writing, and only have to meet face-to-face in the classroom twice a week.  The third day of class, when they would normally have to meet in person, students are instead given an assignment to complete on their own.  Dr. Roberta Lavine, Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Maryland, believes that this new blended course style is more effective in helping students learning Spanish.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Google's PageRank algorithm and its lasting impact on the world

Have you ever wondered exactly what is happening in that millisecond that you wait for Google to find what you're searching for? I had Lewis Bell, a junior in Computer Science at the University of Maryland, better explain algorithms to me as I read John MacCormack's "Nine Algorithms that Changed the Future" to further understand the awesome PageRank algorithm that changed the Internet forever. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the co-founders of Google, used this algorithm to have a search engine like no other site. Their complex process of finding the ultimate search-match is what helped them become number one in the search engine business today. Their unique PageRank basis of the calculation, which they still use today, makes you appreciate algorithms and their role in our everyday lives, no matter how simple or complex they are.

Merchandise benefits all types of businesses in today's world.

My ePortfolio post discusses the increasing importance of merchandising for businesses.  As information becomes more abundant, society's attention span has decreased.  In order for businesses to stay ahead, new groups of people must be advertised to.  The easiest and most cost efficient way to do this is by using merchandise.  If someone purchases a shirt with the company logo, they become almost a walking advertisement when they choose to wear said shirt.  Merchandise also has a greater impact than online ads because it is quite difficult to make a personal connection through an advertisement online.  Merchandise helps support the business, while offering a product that helps the customer.  The personal connection can be made, and it can be assumed the customer will in turn be more loyal to that business.  Many companies can help businesses print and ship merchandise at an affordable rate.  Nightmare Graphics in Columbia, Maryland is one such company.  Check out the video to see printer Nick Kaminski discussing who goes through Nightmare Graphics for merchandise orders, and why it can be beneficial to any type of business.

Technology and awareness in SGA Elections 2012

Not only is it important to keep up with what goes on in Student Government Association, but it is also important to exercise your right to vote. Elections for the 2012-2013 Executive board wrapped up on April 25, with the induction of a new student body president, senior vice president, vice president of academic affairs, and vice president of financial affairs. I caught up with the two candidates for VP of financial affairs, as well as chair of the election board, to get a better understand of SGA’s role amongst the student body, and the use of technology in the campaign process.

What you need to know before starting a business

In today's economy, people may be wondering if starting a business would be right for them.  The answer of course depends on their situation, but it does not hurt to learn about the process of starting a business.  

Make sure you have good resources you can rely on.  If you rely on unverified information from the internet, it is very likely your company will not be still alive after ten years.  Figure 1 shows that ten years after a company has started, it has a 30% chance of being still alive.  Even if your business does not survive, you can start a new one with the new experience you have received.   

To start a business, you need to have a solid business plan, meet with many people, and anticipate difficulties like government regulations and taxes.  You may need to hire employes or purchase expensive equipment.  It is very likely that you will need investors to support you.  
How exactly to go about these tasks will vary from situation to situation and you may need to do extensive research to find the best option.

Entrepreneurship Has Become Significantly Easier With Access To The Internet

My ePortfolio was about how the infinite amount of information available on the Internet has impacted the success of entrepreneurs in today’s society.  From organizations and companies with official websites, to blogs and forums with opinions and ideas from people around the world, one has the ability to find information on pretty much any topic in the universe.  The example I used in my ePortfolio was the young entrepreneurs of up and coming iPhone application, “Gratii.”  I took a video clip of Matt Meyer (Chief Operating Officer) and two audio clips of Alex Krutchkoff (Lead Designer), both of which provide insightful details of how their careers have benefitted from the Internet.

Creating Your Own Business is Just As Hard As it Sounds

It took Julian Capps nearly four years before he could launch his "brainchild." Beagle, as he coined it on a late night in Baltimore coding his future product, has officially launched and is spreading to college campuses across the east coast. Beagle is an application that is for college students who need help and need cash! His slogan is, "A friend in need is a friend in deed," and it applies directly to his product. Beagle is a way for students specifically with .edu email addresses to post errands and pick up errands from others for extra cash. The errands range from a cup of coffee, tutoring, or a ride to the metro and even the stranger ones of a tutorial in Runescape. Julian has seen his product nearly launch, fail and be bounced back from Apple, and run out of cash all at the same time. It has been through his desire to become something great and expand his simple idea into a wanted and needed application by all college students that has pushed his application over the edge!

Businesses Benefit More from Social Networks if Social Networks Take More Privacy


Overall, the blog post I wrote on my page about social networks in businesses has to do with ads, relationships and contact information and how they all relate to privacy.  I wrote a section on how social networks use ads to generate revenue and companies need this revenue to continue running.  I also wrote about the way certain social networks help create relationships inside of a business and how certain social networks help for contact information (job offers, references, email, etc.).  Then I wrote about how social networks have to keep their privacy as low as possible in order to keep customers and generate ad revenue simultaneously.

Technology’s Effect on College Lectures and its Evolution from Chalkboards and Whiteboards to Visual Presentations

Today’s typical college student attends a variety of courses, all of which feature a lecture given by a professor educated in the subject.  The way the lecture is presented however depends on the preference of the professor, who chooses between blackboard and chalk, whiteboard and dry-erase marker, or a visual PowerPoint.  Certain classes make this decision easier as the majority of the time, subjects like Math, Physics and Chemistry feature chalkboards while English, History, and Biology tend to utilize dry-erase whiteboards.  But with the technological phenomenon of PowerPoint growing in popularity year after year, professors are breaking down the stereotypical wall of customary teaching methods and beginning to use PowerPoint as they please.  So are we approaching an era of college lectures that are chalkboard-less and whiteboard-less, and eventually adopt visual presentations?  With necessary input from my Calculus and Music professors, and two advisors from the University Career Center the main questions of “Which method of presentation do you prefer and why?” and “What does the future of lectures look like?” were answered in significant detail.