Saturday, March 10, 2012

What Does it (Grey) Matter!?: The Impact of Overly-Utilizing Your Celluar Phone and What You Can Do to Avoid It

Intergroup studies report, from a decade long span of experiments/interviews starting in 2000, that the relative risk for glioma (a type of tumor) to be “greater in temporal lobe of the brain” and “tended to be greater in subjects who reported usual phone use in the same side of the head as their tumor on the opposite side.” According to Dr. Jonathan Samet of the University of Southern California, the studies also has shown strong enough results to elevate the risk to a 2B classification (the agent is possibly carcinogenic to humans), meaning that we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phone and cancer risk. But what does this all mean to you and me? Almost nothing if you were to ask me. Although the study is heavily credible due to its well-developed methodology upon various demographics, this doesn’t mean that we should keep our calls or cellular phone use in general to a minimum, just utilize your cell phone in a safer way with the technological advances we have today to easily avoid these risky effects. Changing your cell phone communication towards methods like texting more, talking on the phone through specialized ear buds, or simply buying lower radiation-emitting smart phones can drastically change your intake of these radio frequencies. So really, from what I’m hearing, the study is just ground-breaking in proving a risk majority of people already suspected; but it more importantly proves to be more of an ear-opener to those who may be overly utilizing their phone in a more hazardous or inefficient way when it comes to their preservation of health. So as a short PSA: text more people! and tell your mom you have to call her back because she’s increasing the growth of tumors in your temporal lobe.

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