Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Man Convicted for Tweeting a Joke

With the rise of Twitter and Facebook, many have fallen victim to letting their personal actions on the Internet be taken out of context. Now a days everything that you put onto a Social Network can be taken and mislead by others. Recent articles state that defamation cases have doubled with all the advances in digital media and the increasing rate of the use of Twitter and other popular social networks. It is clear that what you may post, isn't always private and only available to those you may have allowed to see it. One circumstance where this appeared was when Paul Chambers was convicted for something he tweeted. He has simply posted a tweet stating that if a certain airplane company didn't get it together, that he would blow up the airport. Chambers refuses to be convicted for something he saw as just an innocent tweet, so he has decided to take the case to a higher court.

This was a clear case of a legal situation involving the digital media and libel. He states that the tweet he posted was clearly a joke and never thought that it would be taken out of context. Despite what he has seen as a simple joke, authorities believe this is a serious threat. He has received a $1000 fine and charged. The case is still pending. It has been taken to a higher court at which they will determine whether this was just a joke on Twitter or an actually terrorist threat. After reading up on the legal case, it is clear that what you believe is private and taken lightly can lead you into hot water. Something seen as simple, can bring you up on charges you would never imagine.

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