Monday, February 6, 2012


So it's tax return season right? I thought it would be cool to give you all a little known fact about online tax returns. The ability to complete and file tax returns online, also called e-filing, began in 1986 as a pilot program and since then ha grown significantly in popularity. Before online tax returns, you had to either visit a post office for forms or print them from the IRS website to complete by hand. That sounds scary huh? It's been so long since we had to solely rely on our manual abilities to complete a task. Online information sharing has become so common and relied on that we may become confused when we don't have the option to use a device to help us with any daily, monthly, or yearly task. More than 95 million tax preparing individuals use online services to prepare their tax forms in 2009. That is a lot of people. This information supports the fact that we are in the information age. Personally, I just filed my taxes online this weekend. It is pretty straight forward to complete. You have different stages and labels to guide you along. Tax tables and charts to provide a visual aid in your journey to tax relief; or even stress. I would say: have a basic computer knowledge though . These days it is very rare not to have basic understandings of technology since it has expanded heavily. More specifically; Internet usage. It is also the idea of quick convenience. Returns can received and processed as quick as two weeks. That is way faster than the process of using mail services and tax offices. We all want quick money, right? I know I do. So online tax return information sharing is a blessing in a package of pros and cons of Internet usage. For more information about online tax returns visit GO GET THAT MONEY!!!!

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