Monday, February 27, 2012

Can people find you by tracking your phone?

There are many issues related to digital technology and your privacy; excluding even Facebook and twitter. Your phone, many peoples favorite and most necessary device can be used to track your where a bouts as well as other information about you. When the government interviewed phone carriers many said they would not track a phone without the permission of the subscriber. They did however, say that they had no control over third parties tracking your devices. It was found that around 47 our of 101 applications used for Androids, iPhones, and other smart phones are being used to express locations using a GPS device in phones to outsiders. Sometimes people chose these settings and are unaware of what they are doing while others may actual enjoy their locations being revealed. But rather this setting be chosen or accidentally selected it is still putting phone users at risk of being stalked or followed by whomever may be able to link into their social networks.

For example there is a new GPS that will tell Facebook where you are every time you go anywhere; whether it be a different city, food/clothing store, or a different country. These GPS's on smart phones are making it easier for anyone to find you. This issue also coincides with the issue of GPS tracking on ones car; say that you yourself are not the subscriber of your phone, that means your parents, spouse, or whomever would be legally allowed to ask the phone companies to track you and your phone at any time. Like a car GPS this could cause for a question of ones safety if your subscriber is a jealous ex or abusive spouse. GPS tracking of any type seems to be a quizzical issue which is never quite black and white but muffled in grey.

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