Monday, February 20, 2012

France cracks down on pricacy, music industry benefits

The music industry received an increase in sales due to the French government cracking down on copyright infrigers.  While many French have opposed the new government agency Hadopi (which translated stands for: High Authority for the Dissemination of Works and the Protection of Rights on the Internet), French president Nicolas Sarkozy has strongly supported the agency and the legislation that empowers it.  The agency enforces Frances three-strikes system.  The first strike results in a warning email to suspected offeneders, the second is a formal snail mail warning, and finally if the former are ignored the offenders records are sent to French courts and law enforcement.  The courts are authorized to charge offenders up to 1,500 eruos ($2,000) and suspend internet access for a month (Pfanner NYT).  Since the laws enactment in 2009, digital music sales rose 12% in 2010 and 6% in 2011.  Opponents to Sarkozy have promised to repel or tweek the laws if they are elected into office.  The increased sales show how the French have responded to piracy and have realizedthat artsists should be compensated for their work.  Full Article 

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