Monday, April 30, 2012

iPads Are Advancing Elementary Education in the 21st Century

The LetterSchool app teaches children how to write. 
In today's society, you won't only find iPads in the hands adults who have subscribed to a digital newspaper. iPads are now also being used by children in elementary school classrooms to enhance learning. The iPad is a great tool for classrooms because it is extremely portable, can be adapted to specific children's needs and has an abundance of educational apps to teach students lessons. These educational apps range from teaching children how to write letters to learning fractions and even understanding the solar system. While critics may be hesitant about implementing iPad technology in classrooms, studies have proven that the use of iPads leads to increased motivation and understanding of knowledge in children. With the new trends of iPads in classrooms, it will be interesting to see if technology revamps the education system and leaves us with a digital classroom in the future.

The Educational Value of Technology is Dependent On the Teachers Who Use Them

Life is now synonymous with digital technology and it is essential that students learn how to use technology in terms of education, however schools and teachers must always remember that educational technology is a resouce, not a replacement. Technology can be either one of two things. It has the potential to engage students and actively enhance the course material or it can disrupt them from their work.  Teachers are always going to be the main source of education for the student, acting as guide and leader of the classroom. Nelson Padua-Perez is a Computer Science professor at the University of Maryland. For 13 years even he has struggled to balance when students should use technology in class in order to enhance the course material. Professor Padua-Perez sheds his perspective on technology in the classroom and the importance of the teacher as a guide.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Toyota's Recalls Spike Consumer Nerves

     Toyota has been one of the leaders in the automotive market for decades.  They have an extremely reliable name with which customers trust. As of late, some software and mechanical issues have caused for recent recalls to plague the media with negativity being sent Toyota's direction.  These recalls have caused for customers to worry and doubt Toyota's long time positive name.  Sticking accelerator pedals was one of the big issues that had consumers turning their heads.  However, Toyota has responded quickly in working to resolve the issues.  As of today, Toyota remains one of the biggest players in the Automobile industry, despite these recent concerns.   

Monday, April 23, 2012

Professor Discusses the Use of Technology in the Foreign Language Classroom

Technology use in the classroom can effectively help enhance education if used properly.   Professor Lacorte, associate professor at the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC), took the time to talk with me about his opinion of the use of technology in the classroom when learning foreign languages.

First, Professor Lacorte discusses how technology can be used to help speed up and enhance the learning process for people trying to learn a second language.

Though there are disadvantages of using technology in the foreign language classroom, the advantages of using technology greatly outweigh them.

It is important that professors know how to effectively incorporate the use of technology with learning foreign languages.

If professors know how to incorporate technology, it can greatly enhance students' learning.  This applies not only to the study of languages, but all different studies. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hydrophobically Modified Chitosan for Wound Healing

In Professor Raghavan's research lab at University of Maryland College Park, a new type of bandage is being developed that could significantly improve clotting time.  

Comparison of time to form a clot with various solutions

This bandage is made from hm-chitosan.  Hm-chitosan is another name for hydrophobically modified chitosan, a biopolymer found in organisms like crabs or shrimp.  A biopolymer is a polymer found naturally in organisms.  A polymer is a chemical which is composed of repeating parts, called monomers.  It is being used because it is cheap, easy to obtain, and biodegradable, meaning that in a living organism, it degrades into chemicals that are harmless.  It also prevents the growth of microorganisms. 

Introduction to Hydrophobically modified chitosan

Hm-chitosan is made from chitosan by reacting it with hydrophobic chemicals.  After this process, we say that it has been functionalized.  By adding hydrophobic components, the chemical is more attracted to the hydrophobic components of the body, which improves the clotting ability.  When hm-chitosan comes in contact with an open wound, a network is created with links between the hm-chitosan and cells of the body forming a clot/scab.  The body will form a clot by itself, but this may take much longer.  We say that hm-chitosan has the ability to gel blood. 

Gel formation using hydrophobically modified chitosan


In the future, bandages made out of hm-chitosan will hopefully be available to stop bleeding in any emergency situations like in the emergency room, or on the battlefield. 

Possible Applications


Monday, April 16, 2012

How Capital News Service Utilizes Social Media

Capital News Service is a student run news service stationed in the Phillip Merrill School of Journalism. It covers stories happening in the state of Maryland and Washington D.C. Capital News has developed connections with prestigious newspapers such as The Washington Post and The Baltimore Sun. Despite the resources and distinguished reputation among journalism majors, it still has to develop its own identity and alert most of the student body at the University of Maryland of its existence. Sean Mussenden, the director of Capital News Service, says social media is the best way for it to advertise and reach out to students.

Three Ways Capital News Service Uses Social Media
Social media has become an unbelievable way to for people to connect. Capital News has found three specific ways to use this new development to their advantage in order to become more involved with their followers.

Facebook vs. Twitter, Which Is More Important For Capital News?
Facebook and Twitter have distanced themselves as the two most important social media websites. Although both are very important, many would assume Twitter is more important to news-providers because of its power to inform its followers instantaneously. However, Sean believes otherwise.

Youtube and Pinterest Are The Other Social Media Sites Used By Capital News
With many new social media websites emerging, it is interesting to see what the news world opinion is of their potential capabilities. Additionally, Sean points out how Youtube is under appreciated and ignored as a useful social media site. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Integration of Technology in the Field of Architecture

Professor Rockcastle, who received his Masters Degree in Architecture from Cornell University in 1978, took some time out of his day to discuss the impact that technology has had in the field of architecture.  At Cornell when he learned the fundamental skills of the architectural process, technology played a minimal roll.  However, Professor Rockcastle explains that since earning his degree, technology has been enormously integrated into the process to help architects in the quality and efficiency of their work.    


Given the tremendous development of technology integration, many older architects have had to make adjustments in their work to keep up with the modernization of the field.  Professor Rockcastle discusses how these changes have affected his career in particular.

The ever-increasing involvement of technology in architecture has had its fair share of benefits and consequences.  Professor Rockcastle feels that although the institution of technology has limited and complicated the careers of many old-fashioned architects, it has also been incredibly advantageous in the work of young and upcoming architects.


A handmade model (left) and a computer-generated model (right)

GySgt Paean Lo Discusses the Sociological Concerns of Current US Military Presence in Afghanistan

 Over the past decade, while the mission of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan has remained consistent in defeating the Taliban, the focus has shifted from combating the Taliban to preparing the Afghan government for a state without US presence. As US forces prepare for total evacuation by 2014, there is question as to whether or not the country will be stable on it's own. Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Paean Lo is Social Psychology Major at the University of Maryland. He has served in the United States Marine Corps for fourteen years and is currently working to become an Officer. Below he explains his own perspective on the situation in Afghan society and what the future holds.

What type of sociological concerns come into play as we start relocating troops and resources from Afghanistan?

GySgt Lo explains that if the evacuation is too hasty, the Afghan police will not be able to prevent the Taliban from taking over. If the Taliban does take over, there could be serious ramifications for the democratic and social structure in Afghanistan.

What is the United States doing to address these concerns?

Lo believes that the US has at least to some extent created a stable government and trained military and police force. Although there is a risk of violent war, Lo believes Afghanistan is prepared to avoid political collapse and brutal takeover by the Taliban.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Effect of Technology on Student Involvement in Social Justice

Students Teaching Children English in the Dominican Republic
Social justice is a common passion found on many college campuses. With so many young minds, there is a lot of energy, enthusiasm and drive that enables youth to put effort toward making the world a better place. There are many organizations, individuals and classes at the University of Maryland focused on social justice practices, strategies and ways to get involved. But with the increasing use of technology in society, involvement in social justice is taking a turn.

Ways in Which Technology Encourages Student Involvement in Social Justice 
College students are using technology at an increasing rate. With the popularity of iPads and smart phones, students on college campuses are more connected than ever. For social justice involvement, this is a positive thing. Technology has enabled the promotion of events, individuals to donate through text messages and many other things. Elizabeth Grimes, the Social Justice Coordinator at University of Maryland Hillel, works with college students on a daily basis to develop community service projects, social action discussions and oversees a student social justice fellowship. Through her work experience, she has observed the changes in social justice involvement due to technology.
Ways in Which Technology Hampers Student Involvement in Social Justice
As with many things, there comes bad with the good. While technology is helpful in some ways with social justice, it also hinders student involvement with some activities. Many college students spend their free time watching television or exploring the web. This time takes away from them participating in social justice activities. As well, students use technology as an easy way out. Rather than becoming fully invested in a cause, college students feel a simple click of a button is doing their part.  

How Technology Will Change the Future of Social Justice
At the rate technology is changing our world, it seems as though it will be more of a help rather than a hinder when it comes to social justice in the future. If we look at the strides technology has already made in social justice, we can see that major accomplishments have been made. Petitions now have more reach since they can be signed virtually. Through the internet and social networks, individuals can learn about social issues across the world and learn ways in which they can help. Grimes, who also has a masters in social work, is extremely passionate about making the world a better place. She believes that the increased use of technology in the future can help make major strides in getting people out in the world and making change.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Technology’s Growing Influence on College Students and Their QuestToward Finding a Job/Internship

We live in a generation where technology is making much of our everyday lives a whole lot easier.  While in high school, looking up information about colleges of interests is only a few clicks away; in college, choosing your classes and schedule is a breeze when you can flip between webpages and professor reviews; and despite what upperclassmen and graduates say, looking for internships and jobs via the Internet is pretty easy too.  But the question remains:  will the ever-evolving world of technology soon completely replace crucial qualities of job-searching such as advising, hard-copy resumes/cover letters, and even the main interview process itself? 

The Internet Provides Helpful Advise to Students, But It Can't Yet Replace Face-to-Face Advising

Websites such as ResumeBuilder and Optimal Resume have been crucial in truly helping students create interview-ready resumes and cover letters for potential job/internship positions.  Rachel Wobrak, Program Director and Undergraduate Advisor at the University of Maryland Career Center and the President’s Promise notes the importance of  these resources and how face-to-face advising will be around for years to come.

When Companies are Displaying “We’re Hiring!” on a Window, Do They Actually Mean “Apply Online!”
Years ago, job searching meant physically bringing copies of your resume from company to company and inquiring about open positions.  Now, simply going to or (as a Maryland student) Careers4Terps allows you to job-/internship-search from the comfort of your home.  Ms. Wobrak discusses how the future of job/internship searching still needs to include in-person visits to the company that’s hiring.

FaceTime Video and Skype Can Begin to Replace Phone Interviews, Not Face-to-Face Interviews

Finally, Ms. Wobrak solidifies her argument that while the evolution of technology is quickly adapting and improving its accuracy, a form of technology that completely replaces human interaction during the job-/internship-searching process simply cannot exist. 


Chairperson for church's Mission Outreach Team discusses the plight of small community literacy programs

Adult illiteracy is an issue which has seen certain improvements in the last few decades. However, about 50 percent of the nations youth -- age 16 to 21 -- are considered to be functionally illiterate, or unfit to be able to read basic instructions, food labels, or fill out a job applications. Similarly, in smaller communities -- especially those with a higher percentage of minorities -- the decrease in illiteracy has not been quelled enough in spite of the recent advances in literacy training . In certain smaller communities, where the poor economy and devastatingly large unemployment rates have taken their tolls, many organizations work to eradicate the nuisance of illiteracy, and many churches also join in on the fight. Millian Memorial United Methodist Church, in Rockville, Maryland, is one of these churches.

Who do literacy programs reach in the community?

Marguerite Eimer, Chairperson for the Mission Outreach Team at Millian Memorial United Methodist Church, heads the literacy programs at her church, as well as the other Outreach programs there. these programs are meant to reach into the community and provide education for those who have no other access to it.

Problems with individual community outreach programs

These programs are being used to advocate more reading and a higher level of literary comprehension in schools. Though the programs seem to be effective, Eimer feels that they could be even better given better circumstances including more funding.

Subsequently, Eimer mentioned that though they are a non-profit group, the Church has not received as much money in recent years in order to support the funding of these programs. She argues that if small, community based organizations do not get the necessary funding, adult and child literacy rates will not improve as drastically as most would hope.

The Immense Impact That Twitter has had on the Professional Sports World

                      Prominent athletes that use Twitter daily.
Lance Artmstrong, Tony La Russa,
Mark Sanchez, Shaquille O'neal
Mr. Kevin Blackistone, the Shirley Povich Chair at the University of Maryland, is an expert in the world of sports journalism. He writes for The Washington Post, and he is a panelist on the TV show, Around the Horn, which airs on ESPN.
Blackistone believes that Twitter has added a new dimension to professional sports. It has completely changed the average fan's experience.

Regularly, ESPN will highlight athletes' complaining over Twitter on their famed TV show, SportsCenter. Because of this, these athletes come under a lot of scrutiny. Blackistone disagrees with this, and he is an advocate of allowing athletes to tweet what's on their mind.

Chad Ochocinco, NFL wide receiver for the New England Patriots, has tweeted 34,926 times. Most of his tweets aren't important enough to give a second look. Blackistone, who has only tweeted 2,921 times, tries to tweet relevant information that will be significant to the public.

Twitter has allowed fans to connect with athletes on a whole new level. It has also allowed news of player acquisitions, injuries, or punishments to travel extremely efficiently. It has helped shift sports journalism from the pages of a newspaper, to Safari on a MacBook. Nothing will ever be the same.

New Technology Changes How We Create and Experience Fine Art

 Each year new software and programs that allow users to draw and paint using nothing but a mouse, electronic pad and pen, and a computer screen, are produced. The programs make it easier and quicker to create masterpieces and even share their work. Some people hate this new technology, others love it. The question here is: Does this new technology take away or add to the experience of creating art?

Computer Programs Impact the Meaning of Skill When it Comes to Creating Fine Art
As more digital art programs emerge, some believe that as the experience of creating art changes so does the skill. Michael Booker, a teacher's assistant for various art courses held here at the University of Maryland, addresses the change in what is called "skill" when it comes to creating fine art.

How Accounting is Changing with Technology

We live in a world where technology has taken over and become dominant in every aspect of life. Everyday there are new procedures or updates introduced that makes the old ways of doing things obsolete. One field where this theory proves to be true is the Accounting field. The art of accounting has gone from basic adding and subtracting, to a field full of intricate software and technologies that punch numbers for you. In an attempt to gain more insight on the issue I went to Kanese Jackson, a CPA for the US Census Bureau, for an interview.
How technology has changed the accounting profession?
From experience, Jackson was able to tell me that software. Such as Microsoft Excel and certain accounting programs, were used on the daily basis in the accounting field.

What areas technology has overthrown?
Here, Jackson explains that new technologies have eradicated some of the old accounting procedures. She uses the different methods of taking inventory as an example.

What is now expected of accountants?
Below, Jackson explains that there are more specialized skills needed to be an accountant now than before.

A Whole New Ball Game

An online software used for Accounting Homework
Thanks to some insight from Jackson, it is evident that the accounting field has changed drastically. A profession that was once required sitting at a desk and punching numbers into a calculator, now requires a working knowledge of how to operate several computerized programs. One study even showed that 25% of accountants said if they had to learn the skills that is required of accountants now, then they would choose another profession. Needless to say, the accounting field is completely different than it used to be.

Radio on Video Recordings

Technology in the broadcasting world has been slowly improving every year. This year, UMD’s own radio station, WMUC, will be working with video broadcasts as well as the traditional audio broadcasts. Founder of WMUC’s KpopU, now known as KpopWeek, Daniel Kwon, has seen the use of YouTube videos used in social media and is starting a new trend of radio stations interviewing and raising awareness of music through videos, all while keeping the traditions of being a radio station a DJ.

He has been testing different software starting with the simple cell phone camera to the more complex and more expensive video cameras. With low funding, he has tried different ways to record interviews, such as an iPad. Kwon is on a mission to find the most efficient and financially sufficient camera for interviews (well, at least for the school radio station).

The following interviews are from Daniel Kwon, a radio DJ for WMUC and founder and representative for KpopWeek, a new company branching off of WMUC’s KpopU. 

Terps Lacrosse Coach on Technology

in my interview with Brian Phipps we talked about the lacrosse world and how technology has changed the sport of lacrosse. Brian Phipps is an assistant coach for the university of maryland mens lacrosse team, and is also an ex player here. He was an All-American, All ACC player, and is currently goalie for the professional lacrosse team the Chesapeake Bayhawks. I asked coach phipps questions regarding technology in his day to day use and about how technology has changed lacrosse today. In lacrosse film is used widely amongst all college lacrosse programs. Film is a video tape of a game from another team that can be used to show your team their opponents prior to the matchup. I first asked Coach Phipps to explain to me on a daily basis how he uses technology.
  Than I asked Coach Phipps to talk about game planning and how film is utilized

  Lastly, Coach Phipps talked about the recruitment process and how it has been changed by the advances in technology.

Physics Professor Explains the Role of Computer Technology for Students, Experiments, and Applied Physics

Computer technology is a huge resource for students to learn physics more efficiently.

Physics is a very difficult subject to learn. However, with the introduction of computer technology, students can, inside and outside the classrooms, see physics done first hand.

Computer technology help ease the difficulty of physics experiments.

Physics experiments has to deal with many formulas, variables, and data at precise numbers. With computer technology at physicist disposal, theories and problems, that once can be solved/proved in a few weeks or even months, can be solved/proved in a few minutes.

Without applying physics, technology would not even exist.

"Physics is the foundation of all other sciences." With physics many branches of other applied sciences and engineering came about which in turn created the technology we all know and love today.

Computer technology is significantly helpful for teaching and experimenting with physic. It is also interesting that the same technology that helps it, was created by physics.

The Impact Technology Has on The Marketing Department of Maryland Athletics

For my story I interviewed Director of Marketing for Maryland Athletics, Katie Thompson. As my supervisor for my internship I was aware of how knowledgeable and intelligent Katie is. I decided to ask her a few questions linking technology with sports marketing. For my next interview (Maryland Day) I am going to look at the other side of the spectrum by interviewing an athlete on their opinion about sports marketing at Maryland and see if they have any opinions on how to change it.

I first asked Katie how has the changing in technology (due to the advancements in social media, etc.) since she has been working in the marketing field affected the way she does her job. She is young in the field but has very interesting input.

Facebook, Twitter, and social media really is essential for marketing in today's world

Secondly, I asked her what the most important role technology serves for Maryland Athletics. I wanted her to talk about how they are using technology as a tool for marketing. Just like we are learning the many channels of technology to release information, I wanted to know if they were also aware of them.

University of Maryland Athletics Marketing Department works together and utilizes social media to be successful

How the Movie Industry Can Use Mobile Devices to Increase Authenticity and Interactivity

Chan-wook Park filming his short Night Fishing with iPhone
Critically acclaimed South Korean movie directer Chan-wook Park released a short film early last year that was recorded entirely on multiple iPhones. The movie was the first of its kind to reach movie theaters, and Park expressed hopes that it would serve as "a catalyst for young filmmakers to see smart phones as artistic tools". Now, even big Hollywood productions like the upcoming The Avengers movie will include scenes that were also shot on an iPhone. Thanks to its ease of use and cheap costs, it would not be a surprise to see the use of smartphones and tablets continue to infiltrate the movie industry.

The Use of Mobile Devices to Record Also Adds a Sense of Immediacy
Dr. Jason Farman is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland in the American Studies department and also a Distinguished Faculty Fellow in the Digital Cultures and Creativity Program. Having authored several publications on the topic of digital media and mobile devices, Dr. Farman responds that even beyond ease and lower costs, the advantage to using these devices is also in the aesthetics.

Footage Recorded on Mobile Technology Feels More Authentic
Dr. Farman further explains how in the same vein as the immediacy that one may feel due to the often times shaky and low quality resolution of footage shot on mobile devices, it can also feel more authentic.

Apps On Mobile Devices Can Increase Audience Interaction with Movies
Moving beyond just mobile devices being used in the production process of a film, Dr. Farman delves into the interactivity possibilities that mobile technology may bring between an audience member and a movie.

Interaction with TV shows and movies that Dr. Farman hopes to see has already begun to spring into the app market. The late night talk show on TBS, Conan, provides an app for audience members to download to their tablets. With this app open during the time that a new Conan episode is airing, it gives you web exclusive content and a forum to discuss with other fans who are tuning in. This intermingling between our traditional entertainment like movies and TV and new media like mobile technology may prove to be a fruitful collaboration.

How The Digital Camera Lead Kodak to Bankruptcy and an Uncertain Future

One of the biggest camera companies in the world, Kodak has recently declared bankruptcy. The downfall of camera giant Kodak was an interesting process that involved seemingly one major mistake. This mistake has lead the company to bankruptcy and created an uncertain future for the direction of this company. After talking to Professor Henry Lucas from the University of Maryland it is evident that Kodak’s biggest mistake was it’s inability to accept the digital camera as the future of photography.

  The Influence of the Digital Camera on Kodak's Bankruptcy 
The lack of adaption of the digital camera by Kodak is a clear misstep that greatly contributed to the  company going bankrupt.  Kodak's inability to recognize the digital camera as the future of film proved to have a great impact on the company going bankrupt.

  How Kodak Could Have Avoided Bankruptcy By Embracing The Digital Camera     
Unfortunately, the chance to avoid bankruptcy was there for Kodak as they had concepts of the digital camera as well as a small section of the company that was devoted to this technology. However, Kodak was not able to foresee the impact of digital cameras and so it kept with the analog form of film, which had been very profitable for Kodak. Ultimately, this was the wrong decision.

The Possible Future Plans for Kodak 
The two main future plans for Kodak to escape Bankruptcy involve expanding their share of the printer marker and selling off their patents.  Although Kodak faces an uphill climb it is possible for them to become a relevant and successful company again.

 Some Facts About Kodak and their Bankruptcy.

How Today’s Technology Influences Teaching an English Course

Technologies in today’s world affect how we talk as well as how we write. Recently, the term “app” (an application, specialized program downloaded onto mobile devices) was just added to the dictionary because the term is used so much with increasing technology. We also tend to abbreviate words when we are typing, such as: ttly (talk to you later), brb (be right back), and nbd (no big deal). These abbreviations and so many others are being used so frequently that people are actually starting to just say them when talking and other people universally understand them. I wanted to get a better understanding of how technology influences teaching an actual English course and if technology was beneficial to teaching or just got in the way of learning.

Incorporating Technology into Teaching
Dr. Kavita Mudan is a professor at The University of Maryland that teaches English 305: Shakespeare and Contemporaries.  Technology has directly influenced how she teaches her courses by allowing her to stream videos off of Youtube easily and simply. She discusses how she incorporates online access to benefit her students by showing them the content that they read in class. 

The Impact of New Technologies
The English language is constantly changing by adding and subtracting words that are necessary for the language. New technologies have impacted English as a language and a subject in a variety of ways. Mudan goes into detail about how texting, blogging, and twitter influence the language and how people are thinking today.

The Future of the English Language
Current technologies have already affected the way people talk and write, but what impact will future technologies have on language? It is possible that language will be very different than what it is now or it is possible that it has already changed for the most part and will remain the similar. Mudan gives her opinion on how language will evolve and how she thinks the language has mostly standardized already.

Technology is always growing and changing. What the future holds for how this technology will impact the English language is unknown, but it will certainly have some sort of impact. Technology is beneficial because it allows professors to use more and easier media sources to teach their courses; although its downfall is that it could cause students to stray away from the actual text and become more distracted. Standardizing the language and the uses of technology will play into how English is spoken and written in the future.

The Ever-Changing Landscape of Digital Art

As society moves further and further into a world ruled by technology, the way in which people perceive and process art continues to evolve and progress.  More information can be accessed quicker than ever before, and art has responded to this shift.  Art and design must be able to stand out from the rest of the world, while still retaining traditional technique that makes one feel something is aesthetically pleasing.  With the advancement in digital art, almost anything can be created on a computer using programs like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.  The tools have been provided to create almost anything one may imagine.  But a trend has begun to take place - art and design has become simpler, bolder, and more unique than ever before.  Adam Echavaren discusses this shift in further detail, along with the stylistic changes that have been occuring in recent years to keep up with the pace of today's world.

Realtime technology and its benefit to the Clinton Foundation

Mark Gunton is the CEO of the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, a branch of the Clinton Foundation that works to improve health and education programs in developing countries while fighting poverty. They work with other local organizations to aid the growth of entrepreneurship, education and nutrition in communities primarily in Latin America. For example, when I was in Colombia I met Nelson, a member of a very poor neighborhood that now knows how to make raised beds in order to grow an abundance of vegetables and spices. The Clinton Foundation also created the connection between him and the huge hotels taking over the coasts of Cartagena. He sells his food to the hotels who provide him with a steady income, thus dispersing the money into the local community rather than other cities or countries which the hotels would import from.

Technology and how it helps him do his job

As long as Mark has his iPad, laptop or phone on him, he is able to see the statistics and progress of every project he is in charge of. All he has to do is follow his saved links to various different Google spreadsheets that are being updated around the clock by workers in the various locations he is dedicated to. They show him everything from supplies shipped-in that day to whether or not Nelson and the rest of the gardeners made it to the market. This allows a much more efficient way of working through immediate awareness and response to every aspect of the job.

What about the future?

Mark hopes to expand on these resources by making it more available to the public, which will allow stake-holders to be more aware of the programs and also work as a great marketing tool. Soon anyone considering contributing to the funds of the Clinton Foundation will be able to see exactly where their money is going and how they are aiding needful people making a living around the world.

The Influence of Technology in Economics and the Modern Day Classroom

Technological advancements are transforming the field of Economics!
Professor Robert Schwab, Economics Professor here at the University of Maryland, has spent most of his career working in public economics with an emphasis on taxation and public education. He recognizes the evolution occurring in the field of economics with the contributions of advancements in technology. He has seen a change in the way research is done and the way that information is obtained. Being associated with the constant need for more relevant information in our economy; Professor Schwab plays manages to stay connected with his use of the latest technological enhancements. In particular, Professor has integrated these technological enhancements in the classroom.


Technologies effect on the Economy and Economists
How has technology influenced the field of Economics? Economists are constantly worried about the affects of technology on the economy. As a result they continuously monitor the gap that is evolving due to these advancements in technology. Technology has managed to take over what use to be man-made jobs and has immensely expanded the way research is attained. 

Technology is changing the way Professors teach
Is technology changing the way professors teach their courses? Many professors have seen that technology is also playing a role in the modern day classroom. Students are no longer intrigued by the conventional blackboard, but prefer “smart-boards” or “projectors”. Professors are adapting to the wants of their students, allowing technology to change the classroom.

Mobile device usage in the classroom
Should students be allowed to use mobile devices in the classroom? Professors are aware that students are no longer engaged in the traditional ways of learning. They are moving towards easier and more compact ways to gather information. Teachers are allowing students to participate in classes through the use of their mobile devices.