Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Artificial Intelligence in society: Interview with Scott White

Defining Artificial Intelligence and it's prevalence in society today. 

When we talk about artificial intelligence or "AI," perhaps the image of self thinking robots taking over the world and enslaving humanity comes into mind. A lot of the general population think that AI is all about creating robots that can think and do things by itself. What people don't know is that the term "AI" is actually very broad and is actually around us everywhere in our daily lives, whether we realize it or not.

Scott White is an Artificial Intelligence Master's here at the University of Maryland and graduated with a Bachelor's from Oregon State in Computer Systems and Computer Engineering. He, like most who know about AI, talks about a common misconception amongst the classification and definition of AI, and gives some examples that most people wouldn't categorize as "AI".

How is Weak AI different from Strong AI, knowing which is used in society today.

AI is broken down into two main fields. Scott explains the difference between Weak and Strong AI below:

As explained, weak AI is simply a machine that responds to a problem the way it was coded to do so. Strong AI is the more Science Fiction category, where a machine doesn't rely purely on it's given codes and instructions but also has the capacity to learn and think for itself. Weak AI is a lot more used in society today, examples can be seen below.

Surprising ways AI is being used in society today may shock some people.
So how is AI used in society today? It's actually a lot more common than one might think. Scott will explain and give examples below:

As you can see, AI is already very prevalent, especially in the past few years with the development of Siri and other similar type creations. So with AI already all around us, how might AI continue to evolve in the future? Scott talks about what he thinks will come from AI as time goes on:

(Sorry about audio quality, unfortunately the only time and place I had time to conduct the interview involved having loud students in the background)

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