Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Introduction of New Technology in Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a system in which a practitioner can help a patient regain mobility, function, and reduced pain in the body. This is a hands on practice, and has been since the start. However, along the timeline, new technologies emerge that aid physical therapists in their job. At one point these new technologies were rubber bands, but now these technologies revolve around machines and electrical equipment. For instance, listen to Rosalea Acap who has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from The University of Maryland Eastern Shore, explain the progression of technology in physical therapy.
Rosalea explains technology in Physical Therapy

Today specifically, one new technology exists that may have been laughed about years ago which helps in the field of balance; video games.
How Video Games aid in Physical Therapy

Aside from the actual, manual therapy, new technologies still exist in PT offices. Insurance notes are submitted on the internet, and some offices have websites showing what their practice offers. Mass media and social media are now emerging to help offices advertise about what they can offer. However, Acap and her office disregard the new advertising technology, and stick to the old-fashioned ways of having athletic trainers and doctors make referrals.
Acap's view on advertisement with social media
Here is an image of a patient using a Nintendo Wii during his recovery process

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