Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How the Movie Industry Can Use Mobile Devices to Increase Authenticity and Interactivity

Chan-wook Park filming his short Night Fishing with iPhone
Critically acclaimed South Korean movie directer Chan-wook Park released a short film early last year that was recorded entirely on multiple iPhones. The movie was the first of its kind to reach movie theaters, and Park expressed hopes that it would serve as "a catalyst for young filmmakers to see smart phones as artistic tools". Now, even big Hollywood productions like the upcoming The Avengers movie will include scenes that were also shot on an iPhone. Thanks to its ease of use and cheap costs, it would not be a surprise to see the use of smartphones and tablets continue to infiltrate the movie industry.

The Use of Mobile Devices to Record Also Adds a Sense of Immediacy
Dr. Jason Farman is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland in the American Studies department and also a Distinguished Faculty Fellow in the Digital Cultures and Creativity Program. Having authored several publications on the topic of digital media and mobile devices, Dr. Farman responds that even beyond ease and lower costs, the advantage to using these devices is also in the aesthetics.

Footage Recorded on Mobile Technology Feels More Authentic
Dr. Farman further explains how in the same vein as the immediacy that one may feel due to the often times shaky and low quality resolution of footage shot on mobile devices, it can also feel more authentic.

Apps On Mobile Devices Can Increase Audience Interaction with Movies
Moving beyond just mobile devices being used in the production process of a film, Dr. Farman delves into the interactivity possibilities that mobile technology may bring between an audience member and a movie.

Interaction with TV shows and movies that Dr. Farman hopes to see has already begun to spring into the app market. The late night talk show on TBS, Conan, provides an app for audience members to download to their tablets. With this app open during the time that a new Conan episode is airing, it gives you web exclusive content and a forum to discuss with other fans who are tuning in. This intermingling between our traditional entertainment like movies and TV and new media like mobile technology may prove to be a fruitful collaboration.

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