Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Effect of Technology on Student Involvement in Social Justice

Students Teaching Children English in the Dominican Republic
Social justice is a common passion found on many college campuses. With so many young minds, there is a lot of energy, enthusiasm and drive that enables youth to put effort toward making the world a better place. There are many organizations, individuals and classes at the University of Maryland focused on social justice practices, strategies and ways to get involved. But with the increasing use of technology in society, involvement in social justice is taking a turn.

Ways in Which Technology Encourages Student Involvement in Social Justice 
College students are using technology at an increasing rate. With the popularity of iPads and smart phones, students on college campuses are more connected than ever. For social justice involvement, this is a positive thing. Technology has enabled the promotion of events, individuals to donate through text messages and many other things. Elizabeth Grimes, the Social Justice Coordinator at University of Maryland Hillel, works with college students on a daily basis to develop community service projects, social action discussions and oversees a student social justice fellowship. Through her work experience, she has observed the changes in social justice involvement due to technology.
Ways in Which Technology Hampers Student Involvement in Social Justice
As with many things, there comes bad with the good. While technology is helpful in some ways with social justice, it also hinders student involvement with some activities. Many college students spend their free time watching television or exploring the web. This time takes away from them participating in social justice activities. As well, students use technology as an easy way out. Rather than becoming fully invested in a cause, college students feel a simple click of a button is doing their part.  

How Technology Will Change the Future of Social Justice
At the rate technology is changing our world, it seems as though it will be more of a help rather than a hinder when it comes to social justice in the future. If we look at the strides technology has already made in social justice, we can see that major accomplishments have been made. Petitions now have more reach since they can be signed virtually. Through the internet and social networks, individuals can learn about social issues across the world and learn ways in which they can help. Grimes, who also has a masters in social work, is extremely passionate about making the world a better place. She believes that the increased use of technology in the future can help make major strides in getting people out in the world and making change.

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