Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Realtime technology and its benefit to the Clinton Foundation

Mark Gunton is the CEO of the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, a branch of the Clinton Foundation that works to improve health and education programs in developing countries while fighting poverty. They work with other local organizations to aid the growth of entrepreneurship, education and nutrition in communities primarily in Latin America. For example, when I was in Colombia I met Nelson, a member of a very poor neighborhood that now knows how to make raised beds in order to grow an abundance of vegetables and spices. The Clinton Foundation also created the connection between him and the huge hotels taking over the coasts of Cartagena. He sells his food to the hotels who provide him with a steady income, thus dispersing the money into the local community rather than other cities or countries which the hotels would import from.

Technology and how it helps him do his job

As long as Mark has his iPad, laptop or phone on him, he is able to see the statistics and progress of every project he is in charge of. All he has to do is follow his saved links to various different Google spreadsheets that are being updated around the clock by workers in the various locations he is dedicated to. They show him everything from supplies shipped-in that day to whether or not Nelson and the rest of the gardeners made it to the market. This allows a much more efficient way of working through immediate awareness and response to every aspect of the job.

What about the future?

Mark hopes to expand on these resources by making it more available to the public, which will allow stake-holders to be more aware of the programs and also work as a great marketing tool. Soon anyone considering contributing to the funds of the Clinton Foundation will be able to see exactly where their money is going and how they are aiding needful people making a living around the world.

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