Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gigablast could it be the new Google?

This new meta tag based search engine, founded in 2000, by Matt Wells, was created, according to the site “to index up to 200 Billion pages with the least amount of hardware possible.”  This search engine site, is in no way even close to comparison with Google, but it is a new look into making the internet “more green,” if that is even possible. As the twitter link said, 90% of its power usage comes from wind energy, and according to netcraft.com, it “runs on eight servers,” and their web directory features over 300,000 topics and over 4 million categorized pages. So although not as big and popular as other search engines, it definitely is growing and it most definitely is an innovator. So test Gigablast  yourself. Would you use this instead of Google?

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