Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Measure Your Influence Online: Whats you Klout?

Although the big players in social media are still Twitter and Facebook, there are still many other social media outlets from Google+ to foursquare. With the myriad of social networks arising people are starting to increase their networks on exponential scales. But how important are you really in the infinite expanse of the internet. You can finally measure that with Klout. It's a new service designed to compile and analyze all facets of your social media and measure your influence in each one. Klout compiles your likes and shares on facebook, your retweets on twitter, and many other aspects of social media to give you a score out of 100 measuring your internet influence. To put this score into context, Barack Obama is a 99, Kanye West a 93, and Jimmy Kimmel an 85. Social media has reached a point where we are rating how influential you have become, however the websites goal isn't simply to feel good about how important you are, but as with most things, to make money. The higher your Klout the more money certain businesses will offer you to publicize their product. Klout is a great way to see if the hours you've put into social media could now help out your wallet.

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