Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just Stop Talking: Horrible Ways to Use Twitter

Sunday, Ravens wide receiver Torrey Smith turned in one of the most courageous, gutsy performances in NFL history. No, he didn’t set any records or make any really spectacular individual plays. But what he did do was put up 127 yards and two touchdowns less than 24 hours after his younger brother passed away.

However, one sad individual thought it was a good idea to post this tweet toward Smith.

I'm a big supporter of social media, especially Twitter, but sports fans often take their freedom of speech over the line, using these sites in ultra-negative ways. Fantasy football players bash real players for getting hurt and ruining their fantasy teams.  They send death threats through Twitter when a player loses a game for their favorite team. The reality is that players are humans, and people on Twitter need to treat them as such.

Click here to read about bad uses of Twitter outside of the world of sports.

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