Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Member on the Endangered Species List: Newspapers

As a young adult living in this constantly changing world, I find my self wondering what our future will bring. Is technology beneficial or will it lead to our slow demise? But, the question to really ask is; will we embrace new technologies and use them to our best ability? I came across this article that was titled “Who Killed The Newspaper?” to briefly describe it, it talked about how newspapers are slowly coming to a halt due to the internet, and people’s want for quicker, easier, and “sexier” news. It gives a realistic, yet comforting view on the decline of newspapers. Yes, in our lifetime there is a huge possibility that we could see newspapers 100% online, but instead of running and hiding from this change, one can learn that this is the future and embrace this change for what it is.

Who Killed The Newspaper?

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