Tuesday, October 9, 2012

how rap music influences teens



Sid Kirchheimer of the WebMD Health News discusses how rap music negatively affects teens. Kirchheimer studies 522 black girls between the ages of 14 and 18 from non-urban, lower socioeconomic neighborhoods. Within this group of girls some rarely or do not listen to rap at all and the other group listens for more than 14 hours a week. Kirchheimers studies show us, the girls who listen to rap music for more than 14 hours a week are: Three times more likely to hit a teacher, over 2.5 times more likely to get arrested, twice as likely to have multiple sexual partners,
1.5 times more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease, use drugs, or drink alcohol. I believe listening to rap music negatively influences teens. Kirchheimers research is proof of this. 

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