Monday, October 8, 2012

The Truth Hidden Behind Media and Today's Youth

Media has contributed to negative problems in today’s youth. A very common issue is the obsession with body image amongst teen girls. This obsession with being skinny and looking like the models displayed throughout media has become a significant problem. According to Crisis Connection, “80% of 9 year old girls are on diets” and in general, “eating disorders have grown 400% since 1970.”
Adolescent Eating Disorder Statistics
Percent of those with eating disorders that are between the ages of 12 and 2595%
Percent of girls between the ages of 11 and 13 who see themselves as overweight50%

Regarding the issue of video games and today’s youth, the experts of Palo Alto Medical Foundation, explain “numerous studies show that video games, especially ones with violent content, make teens more aggressive.”

This has been a topic of concern for a long time. Video games are set up so players become addicted. The player is constantly winning small battles which keeps him or her coming back for more. It is also shown that teens who spend a significant amount of time playing with these devices tend to be “more prone to confrontation with their teachers, engage in fights with their peers, and decline in school achievements.” Nevertheless, these video games reward this behavior which is a core part of the problem. In order to move up levels in the game the players must participate in acts of violence. It is obvious that media has influenced today’s youth. The issue of eating disorders and the constant need to be skinny is much more evident now then years before. As for video games, many experts argue that they are a significant reason why violence is occurring amongst young teens today.  

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